The Office Quotes Quiz: Who Said It?
Hello guys, welcome to another edition of The Office Quiz. In this trivia, we will test your knowledge of the popular quotes from the show. Before beginning ”The Office Who Said It Quiz”, let us look into some details of the show.
‘The Office’ is one such show that is not only known for its outstanding star cast that made the characters more lifelike but it is known more for its versatile writing as well. Though the series was the official adaptation of the U.K. version still it has its originality. And the credit for it goes to the makers and the writers of the show that managed to make it their own with their dialogues that we remember even today.
When we talk about any certain dialogue from the show, we tend to talk a little like character whose dialogues we utter and that is where the show wins everyone’s heart. The show actors, obviously play a very important part in how the dialogues have been delivered. Now let’s take a look at some of the show’s characters who got to have the best dialogues.
Now, when it comes to dialogue two people whose dialogues are most famous among the fans. Yes, we are talking about—world’s best boss, Michael Scott, and his Assistant (to the) Regional Manager, Dwight K. Schrute. These two are the most important characters whose dialogues are hard to forget. How can anyone forget the way Michael told David Wallace his philosophy? And we better dare not forget how much Dwight likes beets, bears, and Battle Star Galactica!
But that does not mean that other characters have no worthy dialogues. Next to Michael and Dwight has to be Kelly who is a chatterbox and although most of the things she says make no sense, the writers have to be appreciated to write such dialogues. Even with her little dialogues, she manages to make us ribs tickle. After Kelly, Creed has got the most interesting dialogues which again make no sense at all but they are the most remarkable ones for sure and no one can forget them easily.
Next comes the cat-lover and our head of the accounting department Angela Martin, who uses a very small amount of words. Most of the time, Angela’s dialogues are either sarcastic or mean, especially when she talks to Phyllis or should we say when she scolds Phyllis—she seems the most horrifying person. And if we are talking about the most horrifying person, how can we forget Stanley? The person who must have solved hundreds of crosswords, when he should have been working. Stanley is often seen complaining about his life and what problems he has to face because of his low salary but we must admit those are the most hilarious minutes of the show.
The next important mention would be Kevin Malone, who says more from his glances than his dialogues. More or less his dialogues are very childish and lively. And the time he started to use fewer words to save was the most hilarious part of that season. Though Kevin’s dialogues may not be too amazing the way he says them makes them more hilarious.
So these were the few characters who made us laugh with their dialogues. Now take up The Office Who Said It quiz to check how many you remember. Don’t forget to tell your scores in the comments!
The Office Who Said It Quiz